Twice before, governments have tried to sell our forests. Twice before, they’ve changed their minds because of a public outcry. If we can make ourselves heard this time too, there’s a chance they’ll have another re-think.

Take a look at our Constituencies spreadsheet to locate your local forest and MP

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Contact Your MP

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Believe it or not, this works. Your MP represents your constituency in parliament. There are public forests in over 178 constituencies. This means that it is in the interests of 178 MPs to protect the local forests for the enjoyment of their local people. If you live near or have enjoyed visits to any of the forests listed below then, get in touch with the MP who represents that area by:

  1. Picking up the phone and calling their office.
  2. Ask to speak to your MP. If he/she isn’t available, ask whoever picks up the phone to pass on the message that you would like them to protect your local forest and keep it accessible for everyone forever.
  3. Sending a letter or writing an email

Here’s a draft of what you might say (amend as you like).
Your address and post-code.

Dear [see below to find the name of the MP responsible for your forest],

England’s forests have been in public ownership since 1217 AD. They are an important part of our national identity, containing may of our most important historic sites and most beautiful countryside.

Our forests have been the subjects of William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Thomas Hardy, Ted Hughes and Winnie the Pooh. They are visited by more than 50 million people each year, over 50% of the country live within 10-km of a public forest and they provide our economy with 167,000 jobs.

I understand that the Public Bodies Bill currently passing through Parliament will allow our national forests to be sold to the private sector.

As one of your constituents, I would like you to request the removal of clauses 17-19 from the Public Bodies Bill and for you to use your influence in parliament to insist that these forests are not sold without the public’s consent.

Please let me know what you intend to do to protect our forests.  You can contact me by email [your email address] or at the above postal address.

Talk about it with everyone you know. There is no more powerful way of spreading a message than by word-of-mouth. If you feel passionately about your local forest being sold off, talk about it to anyone who’ll listen. In the supermarket, on the bus, at a dinner party or over a cup of tea. Shyness doesn’t last long. The forests would be gone forever.

Make a splash in the local paper

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This is much easier than you might think. Your local press are concerned with local news. The fact that your local forest is being sold is big news. Get onto the front page by organizing an event to show that you and your friends are worried. You could plan a meeting, a picnic, go for a big walk in the woods or, if you’re feeling brave, a march down the high street on a Saturday afternoon.

Invite everyone you know, including your friend, family, local MP, councilors and any local celebrities you think might feel the same way you do. Faith groups, youth groups and community groups should be invited too. Then call up your local newspaper and invite them to cover it.

An example of a press release to send out beforehand is below.

Draft Press Release
Heading: Concerned residents hold [vigil/picnic/march] to protest against the sell-off of [name of local forest].

Over [how many?] local residents and concerned community groups will hold a [vigil/picnic/walk/march] in protest against the proposed plans to sell [name of local forest]. Local MP [name] and local [celebrity/community figure] are expected to attend.

On [date of event] over [number of passionate locals] will come together to show their concern at the government’s plans to sell [name of forest]. [Describe what will happen at your event - will you hold candles/placards? Have a band? Hear speeches?]

England’s forests have been in public ownership since 1217 AD. They contain some of our most important historic sites and most beautiful countryside. They are the subject of William Shakespeare, William Wordsworth, Thomas Hardy, Ted Hughes and Winnie the Pooh. They are visited by more than 50 million people each year, over 50% of the country live within 10-km of a public forest and they provide our economy with 167,000 jobs.

[Name of a local resident] said:

[A quote from a local resident].

[Local MPs name or local celebrity's name] gave the concerned residents a message of support:

[A quote from your local MP or local celebrity].

If all Forestry Commission land were to be sold the government would save approximately £15 million / year.  £15 million is the same value as just 3 hours of interest payments on the national debt.


For more information please call [local resident contact information], contact [email protected] or visit their website – www.saveenglandsforests.

Talk about it with everyone you know

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There is no more powerful way of spreading a message than by word-of-mouth. If you feel passionately about your local forest being sold off, talk about it to anyone who’ll listen. In the supermarket, on the bus, at a dinner party or over a cup of tea. Shyness doesn’t last long. The forests could be gone forever.